Audio and video production hubs like Los Angeles and New York have their share of conventions and expos that many of us in the Rocky Mountains can’t always attend. Enter the 2011 Audio Video Expo here in Denver where one can check out the latest multi-thousand dollar video cameras from makers like Sony and JVC, as well as attend free seminars on topics anyone in audio and video production will appreciate.
This year’s AVX began with a keynote by Ryan Van Duzer, an independent, self-described “backpack journalist”—he does it all!
Many television channels—like the Travel Channel—are using Ryan’s productions mainly because it saves them a ton of money. Why hire a sound recordist, a cameraman and a host when you can have them all for the price of one named Duzer.
In a short 60 minutes, the audience learned four solid tips in a high-energy presentation by Ryan himself. His main points:
- Start with your most powerful shot and build the story from there.
- Get close to your subject to capture good audio, and for the video to translate well to the web.
- Shorter is better in the age of YouTube.
- “Lock it down!”. Don’t shoot everything and everybody. Focus on your shot and don’t deviate from it.
Ryan’s energy was infectious and concluded with “You can do it!” Uh, who me? Thanks for the encouragement, Duzer, but backpack jounalism is for the young. Go get ’em.
Ryan can be reached via Twitter @Duzer, and at
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