Yes. If you’ve already recorded your podcast, we can further polish it from there. We have 20+ years of editing experience and can make your recording sound fantastic. We have pristine production music, professional voiceover artists, and sound effects that can add a ton of gravitas to your podcast.

In years past, we specialized in recording over a standard phone line; however, web and video conferencing platforms are now better-suited for the job. Our podcast producer will be there with you to troubleshoot any audio issues and make the recording as clean as possible.

No. In most cases we can use your existing conference call service. In a few cases, the audio quality may be too poor and we have to open a new account with our provider, but that is rare.

Yes. This is a great way to re-purpose old content. Put it in our hands and we’ll make it new again!

Yes. Just include us in your invitation as if we were a normal participant. We will record in high definition so that we can fully edit it later. This is a great way to turn webinars and conference calls into podcasts.

Yes. In most cases, it’s as easy as buying a USB microphone and plugging it into your PC or MAC. From there, you only need some free software to record. If your computer is not up to the task, we can suggest a portable recording device you can use with a non-USB mic. The equipment list is always changing, so we can help you navigate the details.

Yes! We love doing all the work. By utilizing our professional voiceover talent to record your original script, we can produce the very best quality podcast possible. We’ll record, edit and render your podcast to the highest standards. Music, sound effects and visual elements can be added as well.

Without a doubt! Don’t make the mistake of posting your podcast without the text. Neither Google nor Bing will index your podcast page without it. We provide a podcast transcription service so that your podcast will go viral around the world!

Yes. We have complete video editing and rendering capabilities. Adding static or dynamic images to your podcast is a great way to have your podcast do double duty. Start your own YouTube channel!

A standard telephone call has very limited audio bandwidth. The preferred method today is to record your podcast via Zoom or other video conferencing platform. While these systems were previously prone to dropouts, they are now stable enough to provide the best quality recordings for podcasters.

We are currently working on a service that would allow dependable, full bandwidth audio over a cell phone. Currently, cell phones do not sound very good and are not stable enough to record as a low bandwidth signal, much less full bandwidth.  Stay-tuned.

While Skype can provide decent quality audio, we are still recommending other methods. Skype has proven to not be reliable for professional quality results. However, if you have a Skype recording that you want us to edit, we would love to help.

No job is too large or too small. Our prices start at $75 for a simple podcast with limited editing. Music, sound effects, and a professional voiceover will each add to the cost. Call us to get a more precise quote.

In most cases, we complete editing in 3-5 business days. Transcription adds another 3-business days. So, believe it or not, you can have a fully edited podcast, ready to be posted on your web page, with a transcript, in 6-8 business days after recording. Not fast enough? We also have a “rush” editing service that typically delivers in 24hrs.

Frequently Asked Questions

“When I was working on my first audio project, AFS was right there to guide me through it. I deeply appreciated their helpful attitude, expertise, and attention to detail. The final result was of a high professional caliber, and I was very satisfied. Thanks AudioFile Solutions!”

Roxanne Howe-Murphy, Ed.D., LifeWise Learning Institute